How Office Workers Can Take Better Care Of Their Eyes

People often assume that working at a desk in an office is easier on their body than performing manual labor for a living. In some ways, they are correct. But working in an office behind a screen does come with its own risks. In particular, it can be hard on your eyes. If you're an office worker who stares at a screen for hours on end, then here are some ways to take better care of your eyes.

Get Prescription Computer Glasses

Did you know that there are specially made computer glasses that are designed to block the harsh blue light that comes off of screens? They're similar to sunglasses, but instead of being made to block UV rays, they are made to block specific wavelengths of blue light. If you wear prescription glasses or contacts, your eye doctor can order you prescription computer lenses. If you don't wear prescription glasses, you can get regular, non-magnifying lenses in your computer glasses. Either way, make sure you wear your glasses regularly when you're at your desk.

Bring Eye Drops With You

One of the biggest problems with consistent screen use is eye dryness. When you're looking at a screen for hours on end, you don't always blink as often as you should, which allows your eyes to dry out. This can make you more prone to eye infections and corneal scratches, and it's also just uncomfortable. Keeping a bottle of saline eye drops next to your computer can be really helpful. Whenever you start to feel your eyes getting a bit dry, you can put some drops in. Or, you may want to use the drops every couple of hours to prevent dryness in the first place.

Take Breaks

Depending on your job, you may not be able to just step away from your desk whenever you want. But you should at least be able to look away from the screen and close your eyes for a few seconds at a time throughout the day. Whenever you have a down minute between calls or tasks, make a point of looking away from your screen. Look down at your lap, or glance over at a coworker and make conversation for a moment.

Office work does not have to be detrimental to your eyes. If you take better care of your eyes by following the tips above, they will surely thank you. Contact an eye care professional near you for more information. 

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We See The Importance of Optometrists There are a number of medical professionals who you should be seeing on a regular basis, but one that tends to be forgotten about is the optometrist. Even if you do not have trouble seeing clearly, it's a good idea to get an eye exam every year or two, just to ensure nothing is amiss. After all, optometrists do more than prescribe glasses. They can also diagnose conditions like glaucoma and cataracts, which are easier to manage when detected early. If you would like to learn a little more about what happens when you see the optometrist and why this is so important, read the articles on this website. They're all dedicated to optometry and eye health.



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